a hope house project

Building Community Through Better Food.

Purchase a meal today to help us build a Better Food System in Guelph, Ontario.

Jaya James, Executive Director of Hope House

Better Together.

"Thank you for building a better community through your support of the Better Food Co. Every meal purchased or gifted resulted in those Guelphites who are in need having access to nutritious, and delicious food."


We're creating a Better Food System in Guelph.

To us, a Better Food System is one that is building community through better food. Here's how our project works:

1. You Purchase our Locally Sourced and Healthy Meals

Our meals are prepared using produce grown on our farm and other local farms as much as possible. We then partner with local restaurants and chefs to create our 100% Made in Guelph meals.

2. 100% of your Sale Supports our Food Programs

Through the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Hope House has access to an 8.4 acre plot of land in Guelph where we grow over 10,000 pounds of farm-fresh produce every year. All profits from our meals are invested into our community food work.

3. We Build Community by Sharing Food

In 2023 alone, we shared over $667,000 of groceries through our community food market and with other food security agencies in Guelph. By purchasing a meal, you help make our Better Food System possible.

Better Community.

For the same effort as takeout, you can help sustain a food system where healthy food is shared with those who need it. We have a responsibility to share the food that our farm shares with us.

March 2025's meal created by

Chef Noori

"Preparing meals for the Better Food Co is one of my proudest accomplishments as a chef. I am grateful for this community that has supported my family and our business (Diana Downtown) throughout all the years. Preparing meals is our way of giving back to my community, and it would bring me so much joy if members of our community would get to enjoy a meal prepared by my hand from our kitchen."

We can choose to use our money for good.

We've worked hard for our money. Let's have it work hard for us by supporting socially conscious community work.

Support our Better Food System.

For the cost of the takeout meal, you can purchase a meal today that supports The Better Food Company and our community work.


We recognize that as an individual, it's hard to know where or how to contribute to a community food system. Volunteer on the farm or in the kitchen and join us in building a better food system, today.

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